2024 CAR Retreat at Highlander Center:
Forging Global Interdependence Through Anti-Racism

Forging global interdependence of healers, health workers, teachers and community organizers for resistance and liberation from racial capitalism and all systems of oppression.

This September, the Campaign Against Racism (CAR) will be returning to the Highlander Research & Education Center in Tennessee, U.S. to bring our community together with the goal of forging global independence through anti-racism.

The Highlander Center holds a dear place in CAR’s heart, as six years ago, it was the location where CAR was launched. The center has also hosted past EqualHealth retreats for our Social Medicine Course.


Friday, 27 Sept. to Sunday, 29 Sept., 2024*

*On Sunday and Monday, EqualHealth will also host its own staff retreat.


Highlander Research & Education Center

1959 Highlander Way, New Market, TN 37820

Website: Highlander Center


  1. Build consciousness of our intersectional struggles, from the local to the global.

  2. Center relationships as the vehicle for our global movement’s power and expansion.

  3. Reflect on how as a community of healers, health workers and community organizers, we are using healing justice and joy as critical ways of strengthening our global interdependence.

  4. Share reflections on our hopes and dreams for the future of our global CAR movement, toward a world in which the sociocultural, political and economic systems work towards health equity, rather than against it.


  • Community organizer Tinashe Goronga (tinashe.goronga@equalhealth.org)

  • Community organizer Anne Marie Collins (acollins@equalhealth.org)

  • Operations Manager Maggie Odyek (modyek@equalhealth.org)

About CAR: The Campaign Against Racism works to dismantle structural racism and its effects on health around the world by supporting local actions, efforts, and networks which aim to improve the health and lives of those most affected by racism, because racism kills.

About the Highlander Center: Since 1932, Highlander has centered the experiences of directly-impacted people in our region, knowing that together, we have the solutions to address the challenges we face in our communities and to build more just, equitable, and sustainable systems and structures. Our workshops and programming bring people together across issues, identity, and geography to share and build skills, knowledge, and strategies for transformative social change.